Many things have occurred since the last installment. I scarcely have time to do justice to all of them. So I will summarize in a bullet list and indicate those things I can return to comment on later.
Right, let's get started!
Last issues Objectives were:
- Complete two Fen Wolves
- Base colors on Lone Wolf
- Re-Take pics of the Gretchen and post (pics are washed out and do not reflect the hard work!)
- Get half way through book "Know No Fear"
- Settle on 2250 point Space Wolves army list for 4.28.12 tournament
- Determine/implement changes to training routine
- Formally Begin Nutrition Plan
- Read "Know No Fear"
- Began Nutrition Plan
- Rest = Fail
- Took over all responsibilities from our Program Manager. This puts me third in company overseeing...well everything. Got a raise and a company car. Will be traveling every Mon/Tue about 300 miles and 100 miles every Friday.
- Planned and attended Retirement Party for long time friend and co-worker...see first item.
- Worked 60+ hours per week...see first item...heh!
- Kept working out 2 on 1 off...see Training Page for recent updates on progress
- Started Nutrition Plan...see Nutrition Page for details
- Attended 4.28.12 40k Tournament
- Ended up taking Chaos Marines
- Took 5th place...could have taken 1st or 2nd....a story here for sure
- Took some pics
- Will do Battle Summary soon
- Followed all the delicious rumors of 6th edition and Chaos comment until see paper
- Decided to begin new project
- My local gaming group is starting a Badaab War escalation league/campaign
- Start with 500 points and work up to 2000
- Models to be painted
- I selected Raptor Space Marines
- Look for a new Project Page, Army Lists and Pics
- Started on first Tac Squad
- Have several Army lists I am considering, but will be heavy on infantry and bikes as troops
- Half way through Void Stalker and 100 pages into the Soul Drinker's Omnibus

Next Installments Objectives:
- Finish Void Stalker
- Post Battle Summary for 4.28.12 Tournament
- Create Raptor Project Page and post progress, including finalized Army list
- Finish Test Models
- Retake pics of Gretchin
- Get some Tank Bustas Painted
- Work on Lone Wolf
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