11.7.11: Training Note:
- Worked Chest (Universal Machine Bench 220x15, 12,10)
- Full Weight Dips (12, 12, 12)
- Incline Presses (After 2mile run)(180x12, 10, 6)
- 2 Mile run 21 minutes.
11.8.11: General Note.
I have adapted my training to accommodate my age and limitations due to past injury. My approach will follow thus; run on days my legs feel good and a machine is available. Weight training days will follow a PUSH-PULL routine. Chest...followed by back or bi's...followed by Shoulder or legs; etc. Work outs need to stay between 45 and 75 minutes max to not overtax my recuperative abilities.
11.8.11: Training Note:
25 minutes of Abdominal work and general stretching.
6 sets of bicep work (isolateral cable 35x12, 37.5x10, 40x10, 42.5x8; isolateral preacher curls 32.5x8 for two sets each arm). This was supersetted with tricep push downs for 4sets 100x12, standing on lat pull down station)
11.15.11: General Note:
Training has been pretty spotty. Need to get back in a routine...and cut down on the holiday goodies!
11.15.11: Training Note:
Worked back with a circuit routine. (Sometimes I will create these on the fly due to gym traffic or time constraints).
- Back Extensions 20 reps w/bdy weight
- Shrugs 15 reps 220lbs
- Inverted Crunches 20 reps
- Pull Ups 10 reps w/bdy weight
- Completed 5 circuits
Finished with 2 sets 1 arm rows w/100lbs for 10 reps each arm
Work Out time <30min
12.5.11 Training Note:
- Please refer to this POST
- Completed 5k run in 36min 40 seconds
- Completed 25 minutes of Ab work
- 3 x 10 x225 Bench
- Stretch
- 5k Run; 35min 30 sec
- 3 x 5 x 185 Incline Bench
- 3 x 8 x Bdy weight Pull Up (hand widths varied)
- 4 x 10 225lb Bench; stretched during rests between sets
- 5k Run: 35 min 10 sec
- Heavy Bag: 25 minutes
Wow, really had to talk myself into going. Long work day. When I did force myself into the gym everything was a struggle, but I muggled through and completed my work out:
- 4x10 225lb Bench; stretched during rests, 5th nd 6th set for 6 and 5.
- 5k Run: 37min 30 sec
- Heavy Bag: 25 minutes
Restarted my weekly weigh ins today. 254.5lbs (115.4kg)
My 2012 goals are as follows:
- <10% Body fat or about 210lbs(95.25kg)
- Increase amount of weight used on free weight exercises by 25%
- Ex: 225lbs - would go to - approximately 275-280lbs
- 5K run < 24min 0sec
12.22.11 Training Note:
- 4 Sets Bench w/230lbs(104.3kg) for 10, 9, 8, 8 reps
- 5k Run: 35min 10sec
- No Heavy Bag due to time constraints
- 4 Sets bench w/235lb (107kg) for 10, 10, 10, 9
- 5k Run: 34min 35 sec
- 25min Heavy Bag
- Wed Weekly Weigh In: 259.5lbs(118kg)
- wow! all that pie, shrimp, and steak over the holidays added 4lbs!
- Odd how my strength and cardio both improved though, go figure!
- 235lb benches felt pretty light and heavy bag felt much faster and appeared to strike harder.
- Diet info to follow as I ramp up for the new year.
- Bench 245x8, 255x7, 265x6, 275x5, 225x12
- 5k: 36min, 25 sec...been sitting on my fat rump too much.
- Started 2012 Plan
- Bdy Wt: 259.5lbs
- Entries are listed as compound Super Sets...Super Set 1 consists of Exercise A and B. You complete Exercise A, rest, complete Exercise B, rest, begin Super Set 2 and so on.
- Super Set 1 (One Arm Row/Flat Bench)
- 65lb Dumbbell x 15,15,15 (each arm)
- 205lb Flat Bench x 15, 14, 12
- Super Set 2 (Two Arm Row/Flat Bench Fly)
- 65lb Dumbbells x 14,14,14
- 50lb Dumbbells x 15,15,15
- Super Set 3 (D-Bell Curls/Lying D-Bell Extensions)
- 35lbx12,11
- 35lbsx12,12
- Super Set 4 (D-Bell Hammer Curls/D-Bell Overhead Extensions)
- 30lb x 12,12
- 65lbx15,15
- Warm up was 20 min of core, shadow box, bag
- Rests between sets for week 1 and 2 is 90 seconds, rep range is 12-15.
- Right leg Squat/Right Leg Lunge
- *Working my Right leg predominately, as it is decidedly weaker. In normal squats/presses my Left leg does 60-70% of the work (maybe more). This year I will attempt to close that gap.
- Body Weight x 12,15 / 30lbs x 12,15
- Wide Stance Squat w/toes out = Ballet Squat
- Ballet Squat/Stiff Legged Dead Lifts (normal stance)
- Bdy wt. x 15, 15 / 205 x 15, 15 (light)
- R Leg Extension/Seated D-Bell Shoulder Press
- 100 x 15,15/60lbs x 15,15
- Calf Raises/D-Bell Lateral Raises
- Bdy wt R leg only x15, 15 / 20lbs x 15,15 (light)
- R Leg Lying Leg Curls/R Leg Seated Calf Raises
- 90lbs x 15, 15 / 0lbs x 15,15
*Warmed up with burbees, and bag work, stretched during and after work out.
*Work out lasted approximately 1hr with warm up
*90 Sec rest between sets/exercises for week 1 and two.
1.10.12 Training Note:
- Completed Warm Up
- Abdominal Crunches x 25,25
- Lower Leg lifts x 25,25
- 5k Run: 35min 45 sec
1.12.12 Thursday Training Note:
- Super Set 1 (One Arm Row/Flat Bench)
- 65lb Dumbbell x 15,15 (each arm)
- 205lb Flat Bench x 15, 14
- Super Set 2 (Two Arm Row/Flat Bench Fly)
- 65lb Dumbbells x 15,15
- 50lb Dumbbells x 15,15
- Super Set 3 (D-Bell Curls/Lying D-Bell Extensions)
- 35lbx 15,13
- 35lbsx13, 12
- Super Set 4 (D-Bell Hammer Curls/D-Bell Overhead Extensions)
- 30lb x 14,13
- 75lbx15,15
- Fiance' out to dinner. Non Training Day
- Stayed strong had broiled Salmon and broccoli and salad...good will power as we went to Olive Garden.
- Warmed up with Core exercises for 10 minutes.
- R leg Squats/Lying Leg Curls (in Squat Machine, much improved form)
- 50lb x 15,14 (felt pull in hamstring)
- 90lbs x 15,15
- R Leg Ballet Squat/R Leg Leg Extension (found better free weight machine for this)
- 50lbs X 15,13
- 45lbs X 15,15
- Stiff Leg Dead Lift Normal Stance/R Leg Leg Extension
- 225lbs X 15, 15
- 45lbs X 15,15
- Shoulder Press/R Leg standing Calf Raises
- 135lbs X 15, 14
- Bdy wght X 10, 10 (really not doing my body weight, can barely budge my bdy weight actually...but assist with Left calf)
- Seated Lateral Raise/R Leg Calf Work
- 30lbs x 15,15
- R leg Calf work
- Finished with 30 minutes of bag work for cardio working on:
- R/L Jab
- R/L Cross
- Muay Thai Round House Low/Side Kick
- Odd back/neck soreness continues. Took day off and put heating pad on for afternoon...and watched the Packers get beat...yeah.
- Diet was a total breakdown and lack of control on afternoon.
- Neck still sore for most of work day. But loosened up in later afternoon so hit the gym and ended up feeling good, with some strength improvements.
- Super Set 1 (One Arm Row/Flat Bench)
- 75lb Dumbbell x 15,15 (each arm)
- 205lb Flat Bench x 15, 15
- Super Set 2 (Two Arm Row/Flat Bench Fly)
- Weight assisted Chin Ups (60lb off or 205lb)
- 50lb Dumbbells x 15,15
- Super Set 3 (D-Bell Curls/Lying D-Bell Extensions)
- 35lbx 15,15
- 35lbsx15, 12
- Super Set 4 (D-Bell Hammer Curls/D-Bell Overhead Extensions)
- 30lb x 14,13
- 85lb x 20,17
- Several improvements in this work out in terms of strength and reps...good stuff.
- Forced Day Off: Had an Exec Meeting out of town then Fiance's pet "BooBoolicious" had to go to the vet.........
- So my weight is up to 264lbs...what the heck! My waist is about the same and I feel much stronger...so some of it might be muscle ;(
- I made myself a binder to track my meals and training daily...I got some PDF's off the internet...but might make my own Excell sheets. If I can figure out how to get a PDF to show on my blog I will share.
- Work Out Notes to follow soon.
3.30.12: Training Note
- Please see this POST regarding how my training is going.
- Great Progress on the what I now call the "2wk Muscle confusion routine"
- Here is the breakdown:
- Weighed in at 274lbs (124kg)
- Bench Press 295lbs(134kg) x 8 superset with 130lb(59kg) one arm rows (key here is to not support yourself with your free hand)
- Completed two of the above.
- Next 130lbs dumbbells for 8 reps superset with full body weight chin ups for 10 reps. This times 2.
- Next: 60lbs(27kg) dumbbell curlsx8xeach arm superset with one arm cable triceps extensions with 55lb(25kg). This times 2.
- Next: 55lb seated one arm hammer curls x 8 reps each arm superset with 245lb(111kg) close grip benches(works triceps).
- Notes: Felt strong, 295lbs bench went up quick, finished with good energy.
- Happy now working out with a bunch more than I weigh:)
- Back and Shoulders Day. My back had a bit of a kink in it that I woke up with...it's tough getting old. I did my usual Sunday stuff like grocery shopping for the family, etc hoping it would loosen up.
- I shortened some of the reps per set but went ahead with the increased weight. Here is the workout:
- Dead Lifts 365lb(166kg) x 6reps x 2sets
- Standing Military Barbell pressed 185lb(84kg) x 6 reps x 2 sets
- Shoulder Shrugs with 405lbs(184kg) x 2sets of 25 to 30
- Full Bdy Weight (275lbs/125kg) Pull Ups wide grip x 10reps x 2sets
- Seated Dumbbell Military Presses 85lb(38.5kg)ea x 10 reps x 2sets
- Full Bdy Weight Chin Ups x10reps x 2sets
- After this I float from back machine to back machine and super set with 135lb standing military barbell presses of 15-8 reps as I tire.
- I will often do laterals...but either after years of trying I can not get the movement right to hit the shoulder head correctly or anatomically they are ineffective for my build as they always feel awkward and not stress my shoulders. I may have to continue to research this. Anyway another day in the books and off for a three day stint working in Traverse City.
- Back from Traverse City, MI (TC) and completed work out 1
- Super Set Bench Press with One Arm Dumbbell Row
- 295lbsx8/140lbx8 for two sets
- Super Set Chin ups with Dumbbell Chest Press
- Bdy Wt(274lbs) x8/130lb's x6 for two sets
- Super Set Dumbbell Curls with One Arm Cable Push Downs
- 65lbsx8/55lbsx8 for two sets
- Super Set Seated Hammer Curls with Close Grip Benches
- 50lbsx8/245lbsx8 for two sets
- Felt good and strong. The 130 lb Dbells were awkward, but went up 5lbs on Dbell curls and they felt good. Good Day in the gym
- Dragged myself to the Gym a couple hours after taking my fiance to dinner. I tried to eat lite....
- Needless to say I struggled to finish my run this evening, despite actually running at a faster pace when I was running.
- I have noticed the last couple runs my low back is cramping up. I think this probably due to my current body weight and probably a relative weakness in my lower front abdominal muscles...time to put some work in on them.
- I finished my 5k in 37min 50seconds...SNAIL slow, but I did finish the 5k or 3.1 miles.
- On a decent note I cranked out 27 reps with 225lbs after the run. I also managed another 3 sets to finish a total of 57 reps with 225lbs in under 5 minutes.
- To be honest...the only reason I could drag myself in was to give it a shot at breaking the 27 reps personal record (PR) of mine :)

- Well a happy fat man today.
- Got in the gym a bit late but decided once I got there to say what the hell and mix up my routine totally. Pretty happy with the results:
- Bench Press/Dumbbell Row Super Set
- 315 x 5/150lb x 8 for 2 Sets
- Incline Bench/Chin UP Super Set
- 225 x 12/Bdy Wt (275lbs) x 10 for 2 Sets
- Standing Dumbbell Curl/Incline Dumbbell Press Super Set
- 65lbs x 5/100 x 15 for 2 Sets
- That's it. Got in and out in 40 minutes.
- So the "315 Barrier" was smashed today and it felt good.
- Actually the second set went up much easier than the first and had I gotten a spot (which I never do for several reasons) I could have gotten 6 or 7 reps.
- Thanks for the read....BDS
- Back and Shoulders day. Back felt really good...nice for a change :)
- Dead Lift: 365lb (165.6kg) x 8 x 2 Sets (felt great, easy weight)
- Barbell Military Press 185lb x 5 x 2 Sets
- Pull Ups 275lb bdy wt x 12 x 1 set; 10lb weight added x 8 x 1set
- That's 285 lbs, chin above the bar! No half reps.
- Dumbbell Seated Military Press: 85lb x 15 x 2 sets (slight incline)
- Followed up for some laterals and various back exercises with medium/hvy weight for 8-10 reps.
- Good Day in the gym. Thanks for the read.....BDS
- Cardio Day:
- Ran 5k in 37 min 30 sec....still snail slow!
- I ran harder...but rested more
- Still experiencing cramps in low back after about 4 minutes...no matter the running speed
- Only knocked out 25 reps with 225lbs immed. after run
- Day One of 1st Two Week Training Routine
- 1/2 mile walk, core warm up
- Bench Press/One Arm D-Bell row Super Sets (90 sec rest periods)
- 275lb x 13,12/120lb x 15,15
- 25 one leg calf raises during rest period
- Chin Up/DBell Incline Press
- 275lb bdy wt x 15,15/105lb x 12,11
- DBell Curl/One Arm Tricep Push Downs
- 50lb x12,11/45lb x 15,12
- DBell hammer Curls/Close Grip Bench
- 45lbs x 14,12/205 x15,13
- All super sets have 90 sec rest periods with either calf raised or Ab work during rest periods.
Thanks for the read, BDS
4.16.12 Training Note:
- Warm Up...change here I usually only do some elliptical, stretching and hit the weights...changed to the following:
- 1/2 mile brisk walk on treadmill
- 4 sets of core work
- stretch
- Deadlift 315lb(143kg) x 15 for 2 sets
- Standing Shoulder Presses (I have learned "Military Press" would not be the correct term for the movement)
- 150lb(68kg) for 15 reps for 2 sets (strict form, no assistance from legs)
- Barbell Shrugs 405lbs(183kg) x 30-40 reps x 2 sets
- Seated Shoulder Press 75lb(34kg) x 13,12
- Pull ups (palms forward) 275lb x 15,13...chin above bar, no kipping, use straps...working to move away from straps
- Seated Behind Neck Barbell Press
- This is new. Started with 115lbs...but weight is rested traps each rep...re starting/re setting each rep...plan to move to power cage for this soon...takes a while to set up though.
- Bent Over Rows 225lb x 15 two sets...felt light will increase, no straps
- Yeah, so if you are not training legs...you are not training...and if you are not squatting....you are not training legs....tried and true axiom of any strength program.
- However, what do you do if your right ankle is fused at about 90 degrees? Ah, a conundrum to be sure.
- I did my homework and reviewed much literature on the squat and I came up with a plan.
- Now I have done tons of leg work in the past, even squatted 455 for 12 reps years ago...but those were half reps. My theory back then...and to some extent still is...I just did more reps with lighter weight to build leg strength...this sort of worked...but left big gaps in my legs anyway.
- I will never over come the 35 broken bones in my legs or rehab my right lower leg fully...but let's see what things I can do better.
- So, leg work is like a trip down humble lane for me...
- I started with a 1.5inch block under my heals this elevates my heals and allows them to keep them firmly planted and able to be used for thrust. For those in the know...Olympic lifters all wear "weight lifting" shoes...guess what...they come with a built in 1.5 to 2 inch solid sole lift in the heals. So lifting this way does not put the knee at risk or reduce the amount of quad activation, actually is the opposite. Now I have very strong hamstrings and glutes so an imbalance is far fetched for ME...though others would do with some Romanian dead lifts or other solid ham glute work....such as Dead lifts...oh yea I do them too...so got that covered.
- The first part of learning or re-learning any movement is practice. It takes about 500 reps to learn a movement from scratch and about 5000 reps to re learn a poorly learned movement.
- With this in mind I started my journey with light weight, high reps, and best form I can muster.
- My squats are performed with a wide stance...2-6" larger than my shoulder with, toes out...helps my ankle, bar is placed high on traps...helps keep weight over my feet, no pad....padding on the bar means your not developed enough in your upper back or no squeezing your traps enough...I squad down until I can not squat down any further...my hips are several degrees below my knees...this is difficult for me as I have long upper thighs..at 6'3" and long limbs.
- The SQUAT work out:
- Bar x 50 x 2 sets
- 95lbs x 40 x 2 sets
- 135lbs x 30 x 4 sets
- LoL! that is some light weight...I could do much more...but would revert to half reps, etc.....ah, I will get there.
- The rest of the work out I am learning on:
- One legged Hamstring Curls (machine)
- 100lbs x 15 each leg...always right first as it is weaker and sets the number of reps for left leg to keep some sort of balance.
- 120 x 15 each leg
- 130 x 12 each leg
- One Legged leg extensions (free weight machine)
- 35lb x 15 each leg for 4 sets
- These are done with a pause at top and a reset at bottom...so basically 15 first reps with a pause...thus no bounce or muscle tension to assist with reps 2+
- One Legged leg Press (machine)
- 2 45lb plates per side
- Right Leg only 12 reps x 4 sets
Thanks for the read, BDS
5.12.12 Training Update:
- Well it has been quite a while since I posted, but I have been hitting the gym regularly and have seen some good days and some not so good days. Really too much to post, so I will summarize the high points and some future plans.
- I have continued the same work routine now for about 5 months.
- Good Lifts
- Bench Press 355lbs (161kg) 5.10.11 bdy wt 275lbs(125kg)...went up fairly easy, no spot. I could have tried for more...but no one I trusted to spot me in the gym at that time.
- Deadlift 405lbs(184kg) x 1 on 5.10.11. Went up smooth, sumo style stance. I tweaked my back in my sleep a weak ago and wanted to check how it felt. But, as I rarely do one rep lifts, it is the most I have deadlifted in years...though prior to tweaking my back I had no problem with 365 x10 and 315 x 15 for two sets each.
- Incline Bench Press 275lbsx4 on 5.10.11
- Chin ups with 25lb weight for 8 reps on 5.10.11...that is, and definitely felt like, 300lb chins
- Bent over rows with 315lb x 10 for two sets. My bent over rows are a cross between a Yates row and a Pendley Row...in that my back is more horizontal than Yates, but not as much as a Pendley.
- I have also hit 30 reps with 225lbs several times, with a best of 32 reps...I love doing this for some reason!
- Standing Press with 165 for sets of 10 x 2
- Legs I still play it light with all my old injuries, but working on it. I typically do the following:
- Squats to parallel or little below with 225lbs for 15 or so sets of 8-10 reps. I plan to very slowly work the weight and reps up. First reps, then weights.
- One leg hamstring curls starting at 100lbs for 8 up to 160lbs for 4...I focus alot on hams...as my ankle does not keep me back here...and your quads get worked with everything so imbalance is not a problem as with too much quad and no ham work.
- Stiff leg dead lift work up to 295 x 8 for two sets
- So all in all my weight has stayed about the same, gained 3-4 pounds and all my weights have gone up.
- Cardio is set for walking and bag work....the running is counter productive to heavy leg work and the pain in my ankle from it I just need a break from.
- I am pretty happy with my progress for this broken down 46 year old man.
- My goals for years end are:
- 405lbs(184kg) bench
- 500lb(227kg) Dead lift
- 20 rep sets of squats with body weight or 315lb(143kg)
- 225lb(102kg) Overhead Press...no leg push
- I feel confident I can achieve all these, save maybe the Overhead Press.
- I also need to work out a new routine as the current one is a bit stale and hope to post that soon.
5.13.12 Training Note:
- Today is Mother's Day...so cardio if anything...taking my mum to breakfast and my fiance' shopping.
- Had a good work out yesterday and have determined that I will follow a 5 x 5 routine with the big basic compound exercises for 3 weeks then rotate to more dumbbell work with higher reps with lower reps. Plan to flesh out he routines today/tomorrow.
- 5.12.12 Work Out:
- Single leg Ham curls working up to 160lbs for 4 reps
- 7 sets of 12 reps with 225lb for squats
- 3 sets of 6 Deadlifts with 315lb (Deads are mostly Hams and Glute work...so fits right in)
- 3 sets of Overhead Presses:
- 155 x 12, 185 x4, 135 x18
- EZ bar curls
- 115x8, 135 x6, 165 x0 (fail), 135 x6
- Standing Arnold Presses (Never do seated presses! You will just arch your back and make it an upper chest exercise)
- 60's x 15, 65's x10
- Strict (Back against a bench) Zott Curls
- 40's x 12 x 2 sets (can go heavier here)
- 225lb bench x 26 to finish shoulders
- Main goal to day was to work the intended muscles but also to find the correct weights for a 5x5 routine and try new exercises as well.
- Exercises that must be included:
- Dead Lifts
- Bench Press
- Squat
- Overhead Press
- Chins/Rows/Pull Ups
- Close Grip Bench
- Incline Press
- EZ Bar Curls (not really a must, but I like them)
- Dumbbell Variants of the above
- Shrugs
6.3.12 Training Note:
- Check this post for a recent UPDATE
- I had one more work out this last week on Saturday, 6.2.12
- My lower back was still a bit tight so I started with squats and did lighter deads. It was still a good day in the gym.
- Single leg leg curls 5x100lb, 120lb, 150, 150, 150
- Squats: 5 x 12 with 275lbs(125kg)
- This up 25lbs from last week. These are done to parallel or below, wide stance, toes slightly pointed out.
- Strict Standing Overhead Press
- "Strict" means no leg or hip push, glutes clenched, knees only slightly bent, no bounce on initial push
- 190lbs(86kg) 5 x 5
- Dead Lifts
- I mix my warm ups between standard stance and sumo
- 315lbs(143kg) 2 sets of 10, 365lb(166kg) 2 x 10
- EZ bar chin ups 2 sets of bdywt x 10 reps
For overheads since I got 195lbs 5x5, I will go up to 200lbs(91kg). A big goal is to get 5 x 5 with 225lbs(102kg) with the standing overhead press. It may not seem like it, but that 25lbs is a big deal and will take awhile.
Monday 6.4.12 is Back and Chest. I am moving up in weight and we will see how I do.
Goal is:
Bent Over Rows 5 x 5 with 375lbs(170kg) and
Bench 5 x 5 with 335lbs (152kg)
Thanks for the read, BDS
6.17.12 Training Note:
- Still plugging along working out 2-3 times per week.
- Have to mention the 5x5 routine is feeling stale. It works for gaining strength. However, it takes FOREVER to get through just 3 exercises, leaves my joints sore for couple days and I find I can not recuperate fast enough to keep the intensity high for more than 2/3 work outs a week. The intensity thing more than a little likely has quite a bit to do with my work schedule.
- With the above in mind I have decided to alternate between my high rep 2 week work outs (ie those I used the first three months of the year) and the 5 x 5 Basic lifts.
- I plan to complete each type of work out for 6 weeks at a time. This should help keep me fresh, keep it new, and give my joints/tendons time to catch up and repair.
- Today returns to the high rep work out see...1.08.12 Training Note (right at top).
- Here is what I have accomplished in last 6 months:
- Went from 205lbx15 for 2 sets to 275lb x 15 for 2sets
- One arm rows 65lbsx15x2 to 125x15x2 to same weight no straps
- 315lb Dead Lift to 2x15 reps with 315lb to 425lb DL for two sets of 5
- Reached 330lb Bench for 4 sets of 4
- Benched 355lb
- Went from not squatting (lol) to 275lb for 5 sets of 15
- Also got 315lbs for two sets of 10
- 135lb overhead presses for sets of 10-15 to 185lbs 5 sets of 5 and can do 135lb for 20+ reps
- Maxed out at 32 reps with 225lb benches
- Bent over rows with 225lb to 5 sets of 5 with 375lbs
- One leg curls with 5 sets of 5 with 160lbs
- Worked up to 3 sets of 5 with 165lbs EZ bar curls
- Chins and pull ups galore...heaviest with 35lb plate plus 280lb bdy weight.
- 130lb Dbells for sets of 12 flat bench, 115lb Dbells for sets of 10 incline bench.
- Beginning body weight 254lbs/ Now 280lbs
- Waist size....the same...
- ...and I stopped running....cardio is workout, walking, bag work...all low impact
- I am pleased that my training regimen and mentality has produced these results and am energized to see what I can accomplish over the next six months.
- Here is a partial list of some of the goals I will attempt to reach:
- 315lbs Bench 2 sets of 15 reps
- 405lb squats for 5 sets of 10, 365 for 5 sets of 15
- 600lb deadlift
- 405lb bench press
- 225lb overhead press for 1-5 reps
- Set a power lifting meet as a goal
- Incline press 275lb for 2 sets of 15
- Use the 150lb Dbells on Incline press
- Curl 75lb Dbells for sets and reps
- Move down to 270lbs
- I also plan to do this RAW and natural. Which means doing this with must good food, hard work and no expensive lifting gear like bench shirts etc....I do use wrist straps on heavy pulls though when my grip gives out.
- I am currently 6'2" 280lbs at 46 years of age. Would like to hit these goals before I turn 47 and weigh in under 275lbs.
Thanks for the read, BDS
Training Note 6.17.12...wow, two posts in same day....
Got my work out in and it went as follows....
1 Note each pair of exercises is supersetted with about 90 seconds between exercises. During down times I work calves or abs.
Right..here we go:
- Flat Bench/One arm DBell row
- 295lb x 13,12/140lb x 15,15
- DBell Incline Press/Pull Ups
- 110lbs Dbell x 15,15/Bdy wt(280lb) x 15,15
- Dbell Curls/One arm Tricep Extensions
- 55lb x 12,13/50lb x 13,13
- Close Grip Bench/Dbell Hammer Curls
- 225lbs x 15,15/45 x 15,15
Thanks, BDS
Training Note 6.19.12
6.18.12...Rest Day
- Dead Lift: 365lbs x 15 x 2 sets
- Strict Overhead Press: 160lb x 17 x 2sets
- Pendlay Bent Over Rows: 225lb x 15 x2
- Standing DBell Shoulder Press: 70lb x 17 x 2
- Seated One Arm Cable Rows: 130lb x 15 x2 each arm
Training Note 6.21.12
6.20.12...Rest Day...Lower back a good sore!
- Flat Bench/One arm DBell row
- 295lb x 13,11/145lb x 15,15 (no straps)
- DBell Incline Press/Pull Ups
- 110lbs Dbell x 15,15/290lbs x 15,15 (Go up 5lb on both)
- Dbell Curls/One arm Tricep Extensions
- 55lb x 15,15/50lb x 15,13
- Close Grip Bench/Dbell Hammer Curls
- 225lbs x 15,15/45 x 15,15 (Go up 10/5 on these two)
Training Note: 6.28.12
Well as posted HERE is was planning on taking a week off....but I felt really good just after a couple days so went ahead and started my next approx. two week phase or Phase 2.
Phase 2: Sets=2, Reps=10-12, Rest= about 2 min
- Yate's Bent Over Rows (overhand grip): 315 x 12 (I did first 7-8 with not straps, then use wrist straps for 12)
- Flat Bench: 315lb x 11, 8 (could have gotten 9 or 10 but no spot)
- Pull Ups: 290lb x 12, 10
- Incline Dumbbell Press: 120lb x 12, 12
- Dumbbell Curls: 65's x 10, 9 ... 70's x 7(just cause it felt good)
- Close Grip Bench: 275lb x6, 250 x 10, 225 x 12 (Diff bench and needed to find my rep range)
Thanks, BDS
Training Update: 7.2.12
- Warm Up/Bdy Weight 281lb
- Squats: 7 sets of 10 with 315lb
- Strict Overhead Presses: 3 sets of 12 with 185lb
- Leg Curls/Single Leg: 3 sets of 12 with 120lb
- Supersetted bdy weight chin ups (various hand positions) for sets of 10 during squats and presses
- Warm Up/Bdy Weight 281lb
- Bent Over Rows: 2 Sets with 315lb
- 7reps no straps + 12 reps with straps
- Flat Bench: 315lbs for 2 sets of 10 reps
- Supersetted with bdy wt +15lbs Pull Ups 12 reps
- Incline press: 245lb 2 sets of 10 reps
- Supersetted with bdy wt + 15lbs Pull Ups for 12 reps
- Dumbbell Curls: 65 x 10, 70 x 7, 60 x 9
- Supersetted with 225lb close grip bench press for 17, 14, 12 reps
Thanks for the read,