I am starting to get a handle on work and will begin to post regularly again.
I have been making it to the gym regularly, about 4 days per week on average. Body weight is floating around 275lbs.
I have some new Personal Records (PR's) listed in right hand column.
I am excited to be competing in my first Full Power (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) power lifting meet in less than two weeks on October 12 at the APF Fall Open. (A little search on the records you will find my 2.3.13 state bench press record listed there way at the bottom :)
I hope to set some PR's and total over 1200lbs for the three lifts. I have been working hard on my squat depth. This is a real problem for me due to my past injuries and fused right ankle, but I can just barely hit parallel if I keep the weights well within my strength limits...so, even though I can squat around 465lbs to about 1" above legal depth, my first attempt or "opener" will be at 345lbs. Goal is to get 3 white lights, or 3 judges to say "good lift" so I can stay in the meet. For those that do not know, if you fail to get any weight for 3 attempts you are disqualified from entire meet.
I am good to go on bench and deadlift, hoping to hit over 375lb and 500lb respectively.
Thought I would also start to post my daily training again as well, enjoy.
Flat Barbell Bench Press:
8 sets of 3 reps with 345lb
*I start set 1 with narrow grip and work out as I tire
*Weird, set 6 and 7 were easiest and upstroke was quick and smooth
Mobility work for Legs/Hips
5 sets of 10 with AB Roller
* I love this thing, so good for core strength, always sore after
Thanks for the read,
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